5 manières de mieux vivre avec l’endométriose

5 Ways to Live Better with Endometriosis

4 min read

The month of March is dedicated to raising awareness of endometriosis, an inflammatory gynecological disease that affects one in 10 women and one of the leading causes of female infertility. Due to its complexity, it is still little known and remains a silent disease, as it can affect different aspects of a woman's life: social, professional, relational, psychological, family, etc.


Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of the endometrium (uterine lining that lines the walls of the uterus). This is a tissue that develops during the first phase of the menstrual cycle and is then evacuated at the end of the cycle, this is what causes menstruation.
In endometriosis, the endometrium lodges outside the uterus and reacts to hormonal fluctuations as if it were in the uterus. Except that when it disintegrates, there are no outlets for the bleeding to escape, thus causing a range of symptoms.
* Pelvic pain
* Heavy bleeding
* Chronic inflammation
* Adhesion
* Cysts
* Scar tissue, etc.


Although there is currently no conclusive treatment for endometriosis, there are holistic and natural alternatives available that can help improve daily life and reduce endometriosis symptoms.


1. Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease whose symptoms can be exacerbated by poor diet. This is why it is best to adopt an anti-inflammatory and balanced diet.
Certain foods promote inflammation and should be avoided such as: industrialized and refined products, red meat, sugar, dairy products, gluten, refined oils, alcohol, etc.

To help reduce inflammation and provide the body with all the nutrients it needs, it is better to focus on:

  • Organic and seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Sources of Omegas (fish, eggs, avocados, flaxseed oil, chia seeds)
  • Foods rich in fiber (fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds)
  • Don't forget to hydrate yourself well!

In addition to a varied diet, it may be beneficial to include dietary supplements such as: Omega 3 and Omega 6, vitamins B, D, E, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and probiotics. Inflammation and oxidative stress can deplete the reserves of trace elements and minerals promoting the development of endometriosis.

Tip: Don't skip breakfast or meals, this can disrupt hormonal balance, and that's not what we want!

2. Prepare infusions of plants allied to uterine health

Endometriosis can have a serious impact on reproductive health and cause pelvic pain. Certain herbs have been used since ancient times to help support hormonal and reproductive health.

Nettle : It has anti-inflammatory, remineralizing and purifying properties. Rich in iron, it is indicated in cases of heavy bleeding and chronic fatigue.

Yarrow : It is effective in cases of painful and heavy periods, particularly thanks to its decongestant and antispasmodic properties.

Raspberry leaves : It helps reduce cramps and menstrual pain thanks to the toning action of the uterine muscles. Its remineralizing properties will help the body to replenish its minerals.

Tips: to benefit as much as possible from all the properties of the plants, you can let them infuse for 10 to 15 minutes in hot water or overnight. Don't forget to cover your cup with a suitable lid to preserve their virtues!

3. Reduce exposure to endocrine disruptors

Endometriosis is characterized by a hormonal imbalance caused by an excess of estrogen (sex hormone) which causes the endometrium to grow.
Xenoestrogens are synthetic estrogens found in our environment and certain products such as: makeup, household products, plastics, pesticides, water, certain textiles, etc. These endocrine disruptors imitate the action of estrogens and their presence in excess accentuates the symptoms of endometriosis.

It is therefore preferable to opt for cleaning products with a neutral composition, such as Castile soap, natural and organic makeup, replace plastic containers with glass dishes, filter your water with activated carbon, use a laundry detergent with a "clean" composition. Every little gesture can help reduce our exposure to endocrine disruptors.
Tip: Make your own household cleaner with castile soap, a few drops of tea tree essential oils, filtered water and you're good to go!

4. Turn to alternative medicines

Some alternative medicines have proven their effectiveness in managing endometriosis symptoms. Among them, osteopathy and acupuncture. These alternative medicines share a common point, because they consider the body as a whole by which everything is connected, thus, they focus not only on the apparent symptoms, but also on the root cause.

Tip: Massaging your pelvic area with organic tarragon essential oil mixed with a vegetable oil (jojoba) can help relieve pelvic pain thanks to its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

5. Journaling

Endometriosis is a disease that is still poorly understood and quite complex, sometimes creating confusion and misunderstanding among women who suffer from it and those around them. The practice of symptom journaling can help you take a step back from what you may be feeling and reclaim your body, while being more alert to changes. It is also a way to better prepare for medical appointments and become an actor in your health.

Tip: Order the Endometriosis Symptom Journal, co-written by Audrey Godin, which will allow you to track endometriosis symptoms on a daily basis. Click here to find out more!

Important note : This article contains informative information for educational purposes, it is important to consult a health specialist in case of known pathology before consuming medicinal plants or food supplements.

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